Warpgate City

Warpgate City is a sprawling metropolis of skyscrapers and megacorporations. Once considered the jewel of modern Asia, it was a place where all cultures mixed and thrived. That time ended with the collapse of the global order. As superpowers faded into irrelevance, riots gripped Warpgate City, until the local government was all but obliterated. For a time, Warpgate City fell into a perpetual struggle for turf, as various corporations and slumlords vied for power of their own small domains.

The year is now 2088, and Warpgate city remains a blend of high-tech and perpetual crime. Stratified by social class, corporate espionage is rife in the higher levels of the city. Yet as megacorporations vie for dominance above, much of the populace struggles to simply eke out a living in the warrens of the under-city. Bioengineering has spread widely as cybernetic body replacements and neural implants offer a path to not only survive—but to thrive.


CREDS, the in-game currency for Chain Crisis, is an acronym for Chain-Reserved Euro Dollar Standard. The CREDS system was established in the 2050s after the collapse of the global superpowers due to the hyper-accelerated progress of Artificial Intelligence and the Decentralized Web.

As megacorps and secret organizations amassed large military assets in AI and Cybernetics, governments around the world began to lose their political sway. The fall of global superpowers lead to the collapse of the fiat monetary system as more citizens migrated toward other stronger currencies issued by decentralized autonomous organizations.

Due to the fragmented decentralized currencies, CREDS were created as a standard to unify different digital currencies. The standard currency was formed by a consortium of decentralized autonomous organizations and rapidly gained universal acceptance.


Following the collapse of global superpowers, an unregulated decentralized network called “The Chain” was formed. Over the years, it has become the most commonly accepted worldwide network with hackers and nefarious organizations taking advantage of this next evolution of the internet causing the start of the "Chain Crisis".